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Homelessness – Get Help Now

Man walking through his front door

If you, or someone you care about, is at risk of, or currently experiencing homelessness, there is a range of support available. You can visit your local authority’s website for further information, or can seek advice and guidance from a range of agencies.

We have listed some organisations you can contact for help, guidance and support.


City of Edinburgh Council

Homeless or at risk – The City of Edinburgh Council


Midlothian Council

Homeless or at risk | Midlothian Council


East Lothian Council

Homelessness | Homelessness | East Lothian Council


West Lothian Council

Housing Options and Homelessness – West Lothian Council


Independent Advice and Guidance

Shelter Scotland have a range of advice and guidance, as well as further support and information available via their website

Homeless, sofa surfing, or nowhere safe to stay – Shelter Scotland


Rough Sleeping

If you see or know someone who is rough sleeping or you believe is at risk of rough sleeping, Simon Community Scotland have outreach teams that operate in Edinburgh and Glasgow. More information is available via their website

Street Teams – Simon Community Scotland (