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Our Values

Our core values help us to provide positive, life-changing support.

Man playing with a guinea pig

Core values

Everything we do is underpinned by our core values. These run through the whole company – from our Support Workers delivering exceptional care, to our management team overseeing the services that we run.

We believe this is what makes us special. It’s what builds trust between us and our service users, and why many of them see us as family.

At Care Support Scotland, we always keep these three values in mind:

Two women smiling on a couch


We work with people from a range of backgrounds, with a range of abilities. No matter what, we believe that they deserve respect. We treat people equally and never talk down to or patronise anyone. It’s all about treating people with dignity and thinking about how we’d like to be treated ourselves. We’re inclusive, and never treat people differently based on things like race, sexuality, gender identity, religious background, age, neurodiversity or other personal qualities.

Carer helping a man using a laptop


Support is what we do, and compassion is a huge part of that. We’re warm, we’re welcoming and we make sure that nobody ever feels left out. We believe in always offering kind and encouraging words – to our service users, to their families and to our own colleagues. We’re always ready to help people with whatever it is that they need. Whether it’s assisting an elderly person with bathing or sourcing furniture for someone leaving our hostels, we go above and beyond to offer compassionate support.

Woman dancing and smiling


Our mission is to enable the people we support to live their best lives. We do this by providing whatever support they need to live independently as active, engaged members of their local communities. From helping people move through their experience of homelessness to giving older people a hand with the weekly shop, we do whatever we can to help people thrive. This extends to our staff, too. We make sure they have the training and support they need to thrive at work.