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What we do

We care generously. We are people people. We don’t stand still.

Two women sitting on couch having a conversation


Our services are designed to enable the people we support to live their best lives. We work with people experiencing different levels of vulnerability – including those with lifelong support needs to people experiencing homelessness for the first time. To meet this diverse range of support needs, we offer lots of different services under three core areas.

Man standing outside his front door

Homelessness prevention and housing support

We help people to move through, and on from, their experience of homelessness. Our network of temporary accommodation hostels across Midlothian is tailored to people with different levels of need, while our Housing First initiative provides a more intensive level of care. As people move on to more permanent accommodation, our tenancy support helps them to stay on top of things. We also have dedicated support for under 25’s with our Horizons service, and housing support for those with complex mental health needs.

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Group of people sitting in the sun

Learning disability and neurodiversity support

We support people with learning disabilities and neurodiversity to live as independently as possible. We have ‘core and cluster’ housing in Edinburgh and East Lothian, where our service users live in their own homes – with staff nearby when they need them. We also offer support with daily tasks, help people to reach their goals and have some fun along the way.

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Older age women playing with musical instruments

Older age care

We believe older people deserve to have happy and fulfilling lives, whatever their support needs are. We provide a range of support for older people in Edinburgh. This includes housing support to make sure bills are being paid on time, to 24/7 care at our supported living facility in Edinburgh. We also run the Pleasance Day Centre in Edinburgh, where over 55’s can get together and socialise. Our support also extends to older people who are experiencing issues such as substance misuse and alcohol dependency.

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Our values

All of our services are underpinned by a set of strong values. Our people work with respect and compassion, and create environments where everyone can thrive. We believe that this helps us to provide the best support to people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.