At Care Support Scotland, our mission is to help vulnerable people to enjoy life as independently as possible. We do this through referrals – most of which come from social work and local authorities. We also accept people with a self directed support budget.
Wondering whether Care Support Scotland can help the people in your care? Here’s a little more about what we do.

Areas of Scotland that we cover
We currently offer support to people based in Edinburgh, East Lothian, West Lothian and Midlothian. The people we help have a diverse range of abilities and support needs. We can offer anything from one or two hours of support each week, all the way up to 24/7 care.
We provide expert care across three core areas. Each of these is staffed with experienced and caring people who go above and beyond.
Learning disabilities & neurodiversity
We help people with learning disabilities and neurodiversity to live as independently as possible. We offer outreach within the local community, helping with day-to-day tasks. We also offer round-the-clock care at our core and cluster housing services. Here, our service users can live on their own with the knowledge that our staff are just a few doors down.
Find out more about our learning disability and neurodiversity services.
Homelessness prevention & housing support
We help people to move through, and on from, their experience of homelessness at our seven emergency accommodation hostels in Midlothian. We also provide support to people who have moved into permanent homes, helping them to maintain their tenancies. Our Horizons service provides Housing Support to young people (16-25) and our ‘Housing First’ initiative provides flexible, intensive help to those who have struggled to maintain their own tenancy previously, or who would have previously not been viewed as ‘tenancy ready’.
Our housing support services work with people experiencing a range of support needs, including complex mental health issues and additions & recovery.
Find out more about our homelessness prevention and housing support services.
Older age care
Older people deserve to be treated with dignity, no matter what their background is. Our older age care services include housing, outreach and a day centre for socialising and activities. We work with a diverse range of older people, including those with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and issues such as alcohol dependency and substance misuse.

At Care Support Scotland we’re proud of the impact we make on the lives of vulnerable people. A lot of it can’t be quantified in facts and figures.
In 2022 we helped an average of 1,219 people across our three service areas. Our practitioners provided an average of 5,700 hours of support per week to do this.
See how this breaks down across services on our outcomes page.
Our services are managed by our brilliant managers. Get in touch with them to find out more about referring the people you care for. All of our staff are registered with the Scottish Social Services Council and are members of Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) schemes.

Amy Lees
Service Manager
Housing Support Services

Sharon Melrose
Service Manager
Older Age Care Services

Andrea Leadley
Team Manager
East & Midlothian Learning Disability & Mental Health Services

Refer someone to Care Support Scotland
Do you think we could help someone within your care? Get in touch.
You can find out more by contacting the Managers above, or by getting in touch using our Contact Us form.